
Several popular methodologies since the beginning of 1990's brought forward the new concept of iterative development and rung the death knell for the Waterfall model of delivering software. All the new methodologies emphasized a collaborative model between the programmers and the business experts and highlighted frequent communication between the stakeholders as the defining guideline for delivering business value.

Anshinsoft has been one of the forerunners in practicing the agile manifesto for all of its software development and deliveries. Our practices stack closely follows the heels of the above manifesto and has enabled us to develop a set of best practices that are consistently followed across the entire spectrum of software development projects in Anshinsoft.

  • Manage requirements effectively
  • Develop software iteratively
  • Choose a system metaphor for consistency
  • Encourage test-driven development
  • Focus on continuous integration
  • Make early releases
  • Refactor mercilessly
Anshinsoft SDLC